Drainage geocomposite: polyethylene studded membrane bonded to a filtering fabric…
- CATEGORY BALCONIES AND TERRACES , Drainage Balconies and terraces , DRAINAGE GEOCOMPOSITES , Drainage geocomposites for Balconies and terraces , Drainage geocomposites for Interior flooring and exterior paving , INTERIOR , INTERIOR APPLICATIONS , INTERIOR FLOORING AND EXTERIOR PAVING , INTERIOR PRODUCTS , Protecting the sealing layer Balconies and terraces
T-K Net
Drainage geocomposite: polyethylene membrane thermally bonded to a HDPE mesh…
- CATEGORY BALCONIES AND TERRACES , Drainage Balconies and terraces , DRAINAGE GEOCOMPOSITES , Drainage geocomposites for Balconies and terraces , Drainage geocomposites for Interior flooring and exterior paving , INTERIOR , INTERIOR APPLICATIONS , INTERIOR FLOORING AND EXTERIOR PAVING , INTERIOR PRODUCTS , Protecting the sealing layer Balconies and terraces