Driveable flat roofs

Coperture piane carrabili

Since this kind of roof has to withstand high loads, both static and dynamic, superior compressive strength and mechanical protection of the waterproofing layer are key focus areas. Drainage is another aspect to be factored into the design: rainwater can seep into the underlying layers and damage them, so we need to ensure that water is drained off the roof properly.

Products like studded membranes, monofilament and geonets provide the drainage, reliability and structural integrity required, even when dealing with high loads, while nonwoven geotextiles they are laminated to provides filtration.

Coperture piane carrabili
Coperture piane carrabili

Download the brochure and learn more about which TeMa products are best suited to this application.

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  • HDPE geonet with one nonwoven textile


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