TeMa Geosynthetics
ideas and solutions for geotechnical and environmental applications

In the new TeMa Geo Solutions "Geosynthetics" catalog you can find all TeMa products for the sector of major environmental works.
• 40 pages.
• 24 products: monofilaments, studded membranes, geonets, geogrids, geomats, biomats and geocomposites.
• Several functions: drainage, erosion control, filtration, separation, reinforcement, waterproofing and protection.
• Dozens of geotechnical and environmental applications.
Highly effective solutions with a low environmental impact: the value of high-tech products.
Browse it directly online or download it for a more comfortably consultation.
Download “Geosynthetics”
Please fill in the form below to download our catalog “Geosynthetics”.